

About Tutela Training Systems

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate, motivate and inspire every person who walks through our doors to become a better version of themselves.

At Tutela Training Systems, we are a family. In fact, our motto is Una Domus Sumus, which is Latin for “We are one family”. It doesn’t matter what your goals are or what your level of fitness is. We are here to help! And so are the rest of our members that you’ll be training alongside.

That’s because our team and all of our members embody our core values, B.L.O.O.D.

  • Be the person you needed when you were younger
  • Loyal leader
  • Onward
  • Obsess over greatness
  • Discipline

If you’re someone that resonates with these attributes, then I guarantee you’ll be a great fit here at Tutela Training Systems.

Meet Chris Tutela

Owner & Founder of Tutela Training Systems

I’m Chris. I’ve been working in the fitness industry since 2006 and have helped hundreds of people just like you transform their bodies and lives. I founded Tutela Training Systems in 2012 and over the years my team and I have put my system to the test and helped countless people become their strongest selves. I’ve worked with everyone from WWE, NCAA and NFL athletes to everyday people at every level. Regardless of where you’re currently at with your fitness we will help you get to the next level and beyond.

You should know that my personal transformation started when I needed to cope with my family’s toxic home environment caused by drug addiction. Training and nutrition became my positive escape and I soon became obsessed. I learned firsthand how making a physical transformation can also transform your life on all levels. Once I discovered this it became my absolute mission to help you do the same. I wanted to create a program that combined high level training & nutrition coaching with a family environment that is second to none and that is how TTS was born.


Book A FREE Strategy Call

  • Discuss your goals and obstacles that are holding you back
  • Create a blueprint with our coaches
  • Discuss program options to get you started
  • Get stronger, healthier, leaner and push yourself beyond limits you never thought possible