How We Get You Results
As coaches it’s our mission to give you the tools you need for long-lasting success. We know that fitness journeys can be hard which is why we’re here to guide you through it, all you have to do is show up. You will lose more fat and make more progress in our programs than anywhere else as long as you come and stick to the plan.
How To Get Started At TTS!
Start with our Six-Week Ultimate Shred Challenge!
Our Six-Week Ultimate Shred Challenge is our flagship program for new members to get started with us! But this ain’t your average “challenge”!
In this six-week transformation program, we take a three-pronged approach to helping you get the best results possible in a short period of time. Those are: training, nutrition, and accountability.
You’ll train with us three days per week for one hour, get a fully customizable nutrition program AND nutrition coaching, and a personal accountability coach to make sure you’re doing things correctly throughout the program. As an added bonus you’ll also get a chance to win a cash prize! But the prize is secondary to the results you’ll get!
This program is for men and women who are serious about getting real results and value coaching from true fitness experts. It’s a great way for you to try out our program without making a long-term commitment. If you’re ready to experience the real deal and lose fat, build muscle, get strong and into the best shape of your life, click below and enter your information. Our team will be in touch!

Once you’ve completed our Six Week Ultimate Shred Challenge you’ll have the option to continue working with us.

How We Get Your Results




What’s In It For You?
- Build muscle, lose fat and get strong AF!
- Learn to train safely and correctly
- Learn simple, sustainable nutrition habits to skyrocket your results
- Build the body you want and get more fit than ever
We Push You To The Limit Safely
What sets us apart from other programs is that we don’t force you into using exercises that aren’t right for you! We train patterns instead. The patterns that we target are the six fundamental human movement patterns – the squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull and carry. So we coach and teach you to use the exercise that’s right for YOU in each of these patterns.
Tutela Training Systems Core Four
Our Core Four Principles Will Drive Your Results Forward.

When it comes to training correctly and achieving the results you want, it makes a big difference when you have the right environment to motivate you to continue. Our high level group training and expert coaches offer superior guidance for your fitness goals. And our awesome clients are here to motivate you to show up and keep coming back. When you train at Tutela Training Systems, every strength training session is like a personal training session – because it’s personalized to your goals and your level.

Bad eating habits are common and usually the biggest obstacle between people and success. You may think that if you exercise hard enough you won’t have to change your diet. That won’t work. Without a healthy diet supporting your physical progress you’ll always be held back from the results that you want. Our trainers provide easy to follow nutrition coaching that supports your fitness on your “off-days” outside of the gym.

Transforming your body is a process and some days are harder than others. You may have tried other programs before that didn’t work for you or you may feel that you’re too out of shape to make a difference. But that’s not the case! Our trainers will help you overcome the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from success. The mindset and lifestyle changes that you kake will stick with you outside of the gym!

Taking care of your body is vital to your fitness transformation. Muscle is built and fat is lost outside of the gym based on how well you support your physical progress. Our trainers show you how to push yourself and hold yourself accountable, practicing recovery is how you take that training into the real world. This will teach you how to treat your body the other 23 hours of the day.